We're pretty sure that no one needs us to say "run out and buy this book." Newsflash: TSky gives thumbs up to the work of Harryman and Hejinian. So what we'd like to say instead is this: The Wide Road could have been printed on a thirty-dollar HP and bound with rubber bands and tape, and the text still would be great, but what makes this particular edition a joy to hold is the design by HR Hegnauer, incorporating cover art by Nancy Blum. With a 7"x8" trim size, 148 pages of creamy, heavyweight paper, generous 1.5" margins, and even pumpkin-colored endpapers!, this is the kind of book that reminds you why all is not lost for the medium. Seeing that it was printed under the guidelines of the Green Press Initiative just makes the feeling that much more snuggly. Kudos to Blum, Hegnauer, and Belladonna for a thoughtful and pleasing design befitting the work of Harryman and Hejinian. Brill, brill, and brill.